Winter Tibetan Language Training in Zurmang, Nangchen, Tibet (January 2022)
The month-long language training entails training 50 to 60 elementary students and has been held annually at the Tibetan Nomad Inn located in Mamba, Drikung. In 2021 we transferred to Nangchen, Kham due to Covid pandemic and illness of our local field director in Mamba, Drikung. Further due to the TAR and PRC Government’s elimination of tutorial programs for young students, we have adjusted our one-month “Winter Tibetan Language Intensive Training” for older students on the Tibetan Plateau.
Under the management of our Field Director in Zurmang, Nangchen, Kham, teachers and cooks are hired to the run the one month long Tibetan Language Training held during the Winter break. Through this program we offer the students intensive instructions and training with English, Mandarin and Tibetan languages, personal hygiene, physical fitness, and moral science. The students also learn about the environment.
The past five years has shown this intensive training for students to be a great boost when they return to school in the Spring. The instructors are paid well, and personal attention given to the students during the Winter Camps helps them to succeed in their ongoing education. A growing number of them have been able to take advantage of scholarships awarded by the TAR, PRC Governments and finally graduate from universities in mainland China. With a college degree, a young Tibetan in Tibet has better chance of getting a job in Tibet.