CTTF provides financial support in the field of education for following:
- Three children from the Dolpo region of Nepal who attend the Tibetan Homes School in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India
- One young girl student in elementary school, Kathmandu, Nepal
- One young girl student in elementary school, Lamayuru, Ladakh, India
- Three Tibetan refugee students attending universities in India
- Shar Minub Orphanage, Nagarjun, Katmandu, Nepal
- Chilam Elementary School, Changthang, Ladakh, India
- Shachukul Elementary School, Shachukul, Ladakh
- Kham Lingtsang Sunday school, Dehra Dun, India
- CATA Sunday School, Virginia, USA
- One university student in Nangchen, Tibet
We welcome you to sponsor a child. We will be happy to make the connection so that you can communicate with the child directly.