Our local field Director has requested funding for vocational training projects such as Thangka painting, Carpentry, and Mask and Sculptor making. There are many trainees available from rural communities. These projects are well received by rural villages as it provides good income after their training is completed.
It is also helping the Tibetan populations to maintain their Tibetan way of life in the rural communities or townships. There is a growing demand for Tibetan thangkas, woodwork, masks, and other products made by Tibetans on the Tibetan Plateau and Mainland China.
The training includes business training to enable the graduates to learn fundamentals of growing their business. CTTF’s Local Director and committee members carefully selects the best candidates with the main goal to make them into professional artisans.
Please visit our website at childrenoftibet.org and donate or call me directly at +1 (703) 297-2222.
Thank you.
Blessings and gratitude,